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CCLET's Workshops

Each year CCLET reaches 11,000+ elementary to graduate level students, from a wide range of public, separate, and private educational institutions. Through our Civil Liberties in the Classroom and our Teaching Civil Liberties programs, which are funded by both a Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO) grant and private donations, we provide workshops, seminars, and in-class sessions for schools, school boards, faculties of education, and community groups and nonprofit agencies, educating people in Canada about their rights and freedoms.


Our Civil Liberties in the Schools program provides free, fun and engaging workshops for elementary classes where students have an opportunity to examine questions of fairness and rights.

High School

Our Civil Liberties in the Schools program provides free workshops in Civics, Law, English, Family Studies, Social Justice, Equity, History, Indigenous Studies and other social science classes.

Pre-Service Teachers

Our Teaching Civil Liberties Program immerses pre-service teachers in discussions about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and demonstrate its relevance to their lives and to the teaching profession.


Our Newcomer Program offers free workshops for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners and newcomers to Canada to help them understand their rights and prepare them for democratic engagement in Canada.

Professionals & Community Groups

We provide workshops for businesses, seniors’ groups, youth groups, social action committees, and other community groups who want to know more about their rights and freedoms.

en_CAEnglish (Canada)