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We are the Canadian Civil
Liberties Education Trust.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust (CCLET) educates learners of all ages about their rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Through its range of educational programs, CCLET encourages everyone in Canada – students, teachers and community members, including newcomers to Canada –  to understand their constitutional rights so that everyone can play an active role in our democracy. 

Rights and freedoms belong to all people living in Canada. Developed and delivered by certified teachers, academics and lawyers, CCLET’s accessible and interactive education programming and resources are available for free to learners from kindergarten to grade 12, University students and community members. Program participants gain a deeper understanding of the rights and freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and develop critical thinking skills to be able to examine diverse issues from many points of view.

CCLET also offers professional development and training to groups and organizations that seek to examine important civil liberties issues and expand on their understanding of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

CCLA is thrilled to announce The Law Foundation of Ontario has awarded CCLET core funding through its Catalyst Grant.

CCLA and CCLET are incredibly grateful to The Law Foundation of Ontario for generously supporting our mission to provide important rights education to learners of all ages across Ontario.


Book a Workshop

Each year CCLET reaches 11,000+ elementary to graduate level students, from a wide range of public, separate, and private educational institutions. Through our Civil Liberties in the Classroom and our Teaching Civil Liberties programs, which are funded by both a Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO) grant and private donations, we provide workshops, seminars, and in-class sessions for schools, school boards, faculties of education, and community groups and nonprofit agencies, educating people in Canada about their rights and freedoms.


Our Civil Liberties in the Schools program provides free, fun and engaging workshops for elementary classes where students have an opportunity to examine questions of fairness and rights.

High School

Our Civil Liberties in the Schools program provides free workshops in Civics, Law, English, Family Studies, Social Justice, Equity, History, Indigenous Studies and other social science classes.

Pre-Service Teachers

Our Teaching Civil Liberties Program immerses pre-service teachers in discussions about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and demonstrate its relevance to their lives and to the teaching profession.


Our Newcomer Program offers free workshops for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners and newcomers to Canada to help them understand their rights and prepare them for democratic engagement in Canada.

Professionals & Community Groups

We provide workshops for businesses, seniors’ groups, youth groups, social action committees, and other community groups who want to know more about their rights and freedoms.

What others had to say...

Envision a classroom where students are literally twitching in their seats to examine Charter debates taking place in the Canadian courts, and that is what [CCLET] created in my classroom.

TeacherStephen Lewis Secondary School

This was a wonderful presentation that gives students an opportunity to reflect on many controversial issues related to their own understanding of their rights and freedoms as well as democratic values.

TeacherSt. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School

The students were very interested in the content and it was totally relevant to the curriculum... The group activity was a definite must!

TeacherAll Saints Catholic Secondary School

Rarely do I see students so engaged in a classroom. Lots of hands up, lots of debates.

TeacherNepean High School

The winners have been announced!


Each year, the CCLET presents a nation-wide high school contest to commemorate the work of Bernard Chernos. Student entries address one of the fundamental freedoms questions posed by us each year (often issues the CCLA itself is working on), examining different civil liberties implications, and applying a ‘reasonableness’ analysis. Entries can be submitted either as essays or as ‘video rants’ (in the style of Rick Mercer, one of Canada’s most famous political humorists).

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